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Shailesh Upreti

Shailesh Upreti


 Shailesh Upreti is an IIT Delhi Alumni and former team member of Professor Stan Whittingham, Nobel Laureate, the inventor of Li-ion battery. With 20+ years of experience in developing strategies to advance technologies, his scientific and entrepreneurial work has triggered and influenced many projects in academia as well as in industry. Mr. Upreti is well known in the industry for establishing and stabilizing an ex-Asia supply chain that includes 200+ global brands. Mr. Upreti is currently the CEO of C4V and Chairman of iM3NY, building two Giga factories in USA and Australia respectively, both being country's largest in size independent factories. Mr. Upreti's expertise lies in bridging the gap between meaningful findings from early stage development and commercialization. Mr. Upreti has received Entrepreneur of the Year award from the New York State Government for his leadership in establishing a Li-ion battery-manufacturing ecosystem in New York. He recently won $500,000.00 cash prize in one of the largest clean tech business competitions, also Entrepreneur of the Year Award from NY Government and  also recognized as 50 most influential entrepreneurs in the Energy space.
