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Kris Evans

Kris Evans

Senior Product Manager - Connected Products, Briggs & Stratton: Energy Solutions

Kristopher Evans is a Senior Product Manager at Briggs & Stratton, focused on the development of cutting-edge, software-powered products for the Energy Solutions division. With a strong belief in the transformative potential of technology, Kris is dedicated to creating solutions that simplify our lives and create an exciting, sustainable future. With over a decade and a half of experience, Kris has leveraged the latest technologies to improve a range of industries and products, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, commercial lighting systems, smart cities, building automation, and consumer energy solutions. With a love for the outdoors, Kris combines his technical expertise with a passion for preserving the planet. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Indiana University and a Master of Science in Engineering Management from the Milwaukee School of Engineering.
