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Jason Handley

Jason Handley

General Manager - Distributed Energy Group, Duke Energy
United States
Jason Handley, P.E. is the General Manager of the Distributed Energy Group at Duke Energy. Jason has over 27 years of utility experience. In his current role, Jason leads a team that engineers, deploys, operates, and maintains regulated distribution distributed energy resources and microgrids. Jason is a past Chairman of EPRI's IntelligGrid Program Advisory Committee P161, served on the Board of Directors for the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, and served on the National Institute of Standards Technology's Smart Grid Advisory Committee. Currently, Jason serves on the IEEE Industry Technical Support Leadership Council, the DistribuTECH Advisory Committee, and the Smart Electric Power Alliance Research Advisory Council, and is Co-Chair of the SEPA Microgrids Working Group. He holds five patents and has won Duke Energy's highest award, the James B. Duke Award. Jason received his electrical engineering degree from Auburn University and his MBA at Wake Forest University.