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Farrokh Rahimi

Farrokh Rahimi

Executive VP, OATI
Farrokh Rahimi has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), along with over 50 years of experience in the electric power industry. In his current role as Executive Vice President, Market Design and Consulting at Open Access Technology International, Inc. (OATI), he oversees OATI's market design initiatives and related consulting services, and is also a key contributor to OATI's Smart Grid and Grid Transformation solutions. Before joining OATI in 2006, he collaborated with California ISO, Folsom, CA for eight years, where he was engaged in market monitoring and design, and was CAISO's expert witness in front of the FERC for CAISO's nodal market design, MRTU. His prior experience includes eight years with Macro Corporation (subsequently KEMA Consulting), five years with Systems-Europe, Brussels, Belgium; ten years, as a university professor, and two years with Systems Control, Inc. (now Hitachi Energy, Santa Clara, CA).