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Bora Akyol

Bora Akyol

Engineer, PNNL

  Bora Akyol is an industry and standards expert focusing on renewable energy and energy storage systems. Bora is currently a Sr. Advisor at PNNL. Before coming to PNNL, Bora was the CTO of Trimark Associates, a leading SCADA and Controls vendors for the renewable energy industry. Bora has worked on integration of 40GW of renewable energy and energy storage systems into the bulk power system as well as creating analytics platforms for analyzing power plant performance. Bora is active in IEEE 1547, 2800, 1815 and MESA-DER standards development including working on cybersecurity standards. He holds 26 patents ranging from network security, ethernet switching, routing protocols, renewable energy and energy storage controls. Bora has a Ph.D. from Stanford University and over 27 years of industry experience including 3 start-ups in Silicon Valley.