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Learn why many energy experts believe virtual power plants — networks of distributed energy resources — are the future of energy management and sustainability.




10:15 AM
  1. W203
    30 mins
    • Electric Vehicles
    In the midst of a transformative era in the transportation sector, the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is reshaping our world. Managed EV charging is increasingly seen as a necessity fo ...
10:30 AM
  1. W300
    60 mins
    • Breakout Sessions
    As utilities and electric grid operators modernize operations and infrastructure to support the energy transition, many leaders are exploring new capabilities to enhance grid reliability and resilienc ...
1:00 PM
  1. W311AB
    30 mins
    • Energy Orchestration and the DSO
    In the face of unprecedented load growth from electrification of the transportation sector and the proliferation of DERs interconnecting to California’s distribution grid, PG&E is deploying an enterpr ...
  2. W207
    30 mins
    • DERMS
     Virtual power plants (VPPs) represent a significant step forward toward a more resilient, customer-centric, and sustainable energy future. Join Gisela Glandt as she explores the evolution of VPP depl ...
1:50 PM
  1. W207
    30 mins
    • DERMS
    Distributed Energy Resources (DER) play a crucial role in addressing utility challenges on the electric grid, including intermittent energy generation, transmission constraints, climate events and mar ...
  2. W202
    30 mins
    • The Flexible Grid
    To prepare for the significant growth of DERs in its service territory, Portland General Electric (PGE) is on a multi-year journey to scale Virtual Power Plant capability to achieve its accelerated 20 ...
2:45 PM
  1. Booth 3921 Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • EV Zone operates its electric vehicle virtual power plant across the globe: network congestion management in the UK, peak shaving in Missouri, low carbon turn-up in California, wholesale price alig ...
3:30 PM
  1. W204
    30 mins
    • DER for Reliability
    Rather than adding additional physical infrastructure such as poles, wires and regulators, the use of dynamic operating envelopes will allow North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation (NCEMC)  to ...
  2. W207
    30 mins
    • DERMS
    Orchestrating energy transitions, with the shift to renewable generation and the growing role of distributed energy resources (DERs), is impacting the power industry from distribution to transmission, ...
4:20 PM
  1. W311AB
    30 mins
    • Energy Orchestration and the DSO
    Demand-side resources including demand response and dispatchable DERs have increasingly become an important component of power system and energy market operations, playing a role in market economics, ...
9:15 AM
  1. W207
    30 mins
    • DERMS
    Arizona Public Service is developing an incremental approach to meeting their DERMS requirements, beginning with DER Visibility. Join this discussion with APS, Siemens Grid Software and EnergyHub as t ...
11:00 AM
  1. Booth 3571 Exhibit Floor
    30 mins
    • Digitalizing the Grid Knowledge Hub
    Harnessing customer-owned DERs is a major prerogative for forward-thinking utilities as they look to accelerate the energy transition. DERs continue to be underutilized assets in providing grid servic ...
12:00 PM
  1. Booth 4343 Exhibit Floor
    60 mins
    • Grid Edge Technologies Knowledge Hub
    Grid edge technologies can redefine energy distribution by decentralizing power generation, integrating renewables, and leveraging smart grids. With IoT connectivity, they can provide opportunities fo ...
1:00 PM
  1. W311AB
    30 mins
    • Energy Orchestration and the DSO
    This presentation will discuss initiatives Evergy is undertaking to address the requirements associated with customer and aggregator registrations, enrollment in Evergy’s available programs for demand ...
1:50 PM
  1. W204
    30 mins
    • DER for Reliability
    The emerging “as a service” business model is a promising offering for customers. When applied to resilience, this can enable utilities to “keep the lights on” during an extended power outage for a si ...
  2. W209
    30 mins
    • Electric Vehicles
    EV fleets are valuable grid resources due to their significant aggregate battery capacity and unique charging behavior. In this session, experts will share learnings from V1G and V2X fleet programs in ...
2:40 PM
  1. W207
    60 mins
    • DERMS
    In this panel, utility representatives and DERMS technology providers will discuss the immediate use cases that are driving DERMS deployment. The team will also discuss different management architectu ...
  2. W209
    30 mins
    • Electric Vehicles
    This session outlines unique insights in the state of vehicle to grid integration using on-boarded and off-boarded chargers, i.e., AC and DC V2G EVCS, respectively. The speakers will cover a wide rang ...
3:30 PM
  1. W307AB
    30 mins
    • Smart Cities
    The energy transformation towards electrification of mobility and heat has revolutionized the utility network demand requirements. As the world faces increasing environmental challenges and economic p ...
  2. W209
    60 mins
    • Electric Vehicles
    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) applications are beginning to transition from a demonstration technology with limited pilot projects to a commercially mature product ready for mass market adoption. Howeve ...
10:30 AM
  1. W207
    60 mins
    • DERMS
    This panel will discuss a roadmap for large-scale customer battery programs (VPP’s) through the lens of three industries; a utility, solar installer, and battery manufacturer. The panelists will share ...